Hundreds of KwaZulu-Natal residents gathered on Durban's beachfront on Sunday to mark the ninth International Day of Yoga, which is held annually on June 21.The commemoration took place at the North Beach amphitheatre and was hosted by the Sivananda World Peace Foundation, led by Prince lshwar Ramlutchman Mabheka Zulu, in partnership with the department of health. 

“For the past six months we have been to schools and various communities across the province to highlight the benefits of yoga to students and the community at large,” Prince Zulu said.“We feel that students need to be taught yoga to encourage them to concentrate more in their studies. Children are faced with many challenges and us bringing yoga to schools will enhance their concentration and make them excel in their studies.”The event is hosted annually to bring different races together and create peace in communities.

King Misuzulu kaZwelithini passed a message of thanks in absentia, saying he is thankful to the foundation for uplifting his people through culture and arts.“The essence of yoga is balance — not just balance within the body or that between the mind and the body, but also balance in the human relationship with the world,” he said.“Yoga emphasises the values of mindfulness, moderation, discipline and perseverance.”

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