Also known as the Black Cumin Seed, Fennel Flower, Black Caraway, and Roman Coriander. and scientifically known as Nigella sativa. "Thymoquinone” is the main active component of black seed and it has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and other therapeutic properties that protect the body from cell damage and chronic diseases of the internal and external body.Black seed is a good source of:

Calcium,  Iron, Zinc, Copper,  Thiamin, Niacin, Phosphorous, Folic AcidBest for the treatment of the following although mostly combined with other natural seeds

√ Arthritis

√Hypertension (HBP)

√ Diabetes 

√ Cholesterol Level

√ Asthma

√ Infections

√Autoimmune Disorders Where Can one Purchase them?


√Health Organic Stores

√From the poster

How can one use it?

A teaspoon of each grounded seed inside a glass cup of lukewarm water in the morning and evening before bedtime.

You can add a drop of honey (not adulterated sugar) to taste.It’s best to consult your physician about health concerns before you begin any supplement.All the best.

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